How enjoyable is it to go out on a beautiful day, hear the baby birds calling, smell colourful blossoms, and see them blooming so quickly. Spring is definitely here and it is the usual time of the year we feel like spring cleaning the house as a way to give it a fresh look and a fresh feel. Moving from one room to the next, you’ll open drawers and cupboards and will feel a need to dust off, clean (re)organise and bin! Sometimes you may also feel like closing what you’ve just opened, but you are on a mission, so you will come back to it, once you’ve completed an easier task and feel ready to go : )
Have you ever noticed how many accumulated things live in drawers and cupboards, especially in the kitchen and in the bathroom? Some are broken, superfluous and/or unused. It may be a good time to reflect and identify what items are essential and face the fact we really don’t need that much… Those items classified as ‘extras’ may benefit from being donated and become someone else’s treasure.

I personally like cleaning made easy and not to spend too much time on it. When shopping, it looks like we need a product for each single action and room; all stored in plastic containers: windows, floors, bench tops, tiles cleaners, soap, shampoo, conditioner, laundry liquid detergent, dish wash liquid, fabric softener, linen spray… just to name a few common ones…
Being off-grid and living a sustainable lifestyle, like many people in the Northern Rivers Region, NSW teaches us to be competent spring cleaners!
First, get rid of a few nasties that you wouldn’t like to release in the environment. Then, ‘Going Green’ makes you a more waste-wise person for you see how quickly the unwanted items accumulate in a waste bin that is not collected weekly.
I did my spring-cleaning move a few years ago realizing my family embraced the kind of lifestyle our grandparents used to live… my grandmother didn’t have all these products and all these plastic containers under the sink, in the bathroom and in the laundry. She had products that worked, that she made and most of all that were versatile. The cherry on the top being in those days what she used was natural and biodegradable. So, we went ‘Back to Basics’ too and that’s why I selected these helpers I call my ‘eco-warriors’:
1- Traditional Marseille Soap that lives in the bathroom, kitchen and laundry (I make my own laundry liquid from the Copra Oil Marseille cube for delicate & baby linen or I simply rub my cube on stubborn stains prior to washing). Olive Oil Marseille soap cube is the one I prefer to use for the body and hair, with good results and I totally got rid of hair conditioners. I like its natural smell that allows for your perfume to express its smell to its full potential-if you like wearing perfume. I just like the discreet olive smell, which suits women and men alike.
I could use these in the garden too and I will when my old gardening products will be empty.
Having only a few efficient and multi-purpose cleaning products, 100 % natural and biodegradable makes my house clean in many ways, my life easier and my shopping bill nicer. It may be a good solution for yours too!
French Bliss is proud to offer you this authentic French product online. Bliss Yourself!
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